GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann |
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356. The Misplaced Goals TechniqueToday's Money Energy Exercise is: The Misplaced Goals Technique. Here’s a fascinating thing. Have you ever met a person who had their goals misplaced? For example, a fat lady working really hard to become slim so “that she can find love”? Now I’m sure, you and I both don’t really know how *anyone* *ever* finds love, but just being thin doesn’t do it, and I think we can agree on that. Misplaced goals can be powerful motivational devices – just ask the people who use, “Cocain makes me happy,” – “If I’m rich I might as well be immortal,” – “If I have a big car, I’ll finally get a date,” just to give a few examples here. Now all those people are most likely going to be terribly disappointed, especially in the long run; but we can enter into this knowing that the goal is misplaced and just USE the power of the goal on any random thing to give you that motivation power, that desire, to go to work there. So, where would you like to use the misplaced goal technique? First, pick something that really turns you on – finding love, being safe, getting respect from others, whatever you want. Then, pick an activity you need to do but you’re not keen on, such as accounting, debt consolidation, firing half your staff because they’re lazy and obnoxious, re-designing all your brochures – take your pick. Now we’re going to link the two together to create a misplaced goal: “If I fire my lazy employees, I will find love!” Wow! Really! Yes! Of course you will! At the very least, this will make you laugh; but in spite of all of that, it still also actually works – no matter how frightening THAT is! Good fun!
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