GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises

365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann
Energy News

353. Swimming With The Tide

Swimming With The Tide

Today's Money Energy Exercise is: Swimming With The Tide.

Today, I have a personal story for you. This is absolutely true, it really happened to me, and it really did change my life that day. It taught me a lesson I have never forgotten, and if you listen carefully, and understand, it might help you too, in many different ways, at that.

I was on holiday in Devon and went for a swim in the sea for the first time in many years. The water was beautiful, and I went into some form of far-away meditation with the whole situation, didn’t pay attention, and before I knew it, I found that the current had swept me out a long way, out to sea.

I started to swim back towards the shore, but I’m not very fit and after a while I realised with absolute horror that the current was stronger than I was, and I wasn’t making any headway, in spite of swimming as hard as I could and getting exhausted in the process.

I looked at the far away shore where my two boys were playing obliviously on the sand and I knew I was going to drown.

I stopped swimming because I just didn’t know what to do. I was too far away now to wave for help and have it even be noticed. To be honest, I don’t remember what I was thinking but eventually I began to notice that there were TWO movements in the water – the steady stream out to sea, but there were also the waves, going towards the shore.

That’s when it happened – that’s when I was saved.

I aligned myself with the waves going in towards the shore. I waited until they came, and when they came, I swam as hard as I could. When they receded, I stopped swimming to get my breath back.

By swimming with the waves, I made it back to shore eventually.

Since that day, I have become much more aware of such tides, and waves in my life.

I no longer attempt to swim against the tides.

But when I feel the lifting waves, I swim like crazy to make the most of it – and so I make progress, and achieve my goals, even though they seem impossibly far away and beyond my reach and capability sometimes.

MindMillion LogoThe MindMillion Energy Exercises created by Silvia Hartmann, exclusive to The Guild of Energists

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