GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann |
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334. The PMT LessonToday's Money Energy Exercise is: The PMT Lesson. You have heard of pre-menstrual tension, right? It is a state that affects women for a time during their 28 day menstrual cycle where they get ratty and extremely touchy. This is of course held to be a bad thing, a scary thing, but it's interesting to note that when I storm into my office in a state of PMT, I don't start complaining about nothing. I start complaining about things that are ALWAYS THERE, and ALWAYS WRONG, and ALWAYS ANNOYING - only when I don't have PMT, I sort of let it slide, I don't say anything, it's too much trouble, it'll be alright eventually ... Now even if you're a man, you can play this game, and it is extremely interesting and eye opening, at that. In a moment, sit back and imagine you'd been given a drug that creates a kind of PMT state - where you are edgy, and the smallest thing can really set you off. Take a deep breath and then, really let GO and start complaining about all the things that are wrong with your business, with your path to wealth, with your environment - straight out, no holds barred, no excuses just this once, just COMPLAIN about what is WRONG. Isn't this interesting? And a valuable wake up call? I think it's certainly well worth doing once a month ... :-)
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