GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann |
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328. Pure MoneyToday's Money Energy Exercise is: Pure Money. I saw a movie the other day where a woman found out that her husband had earned the money which kept her in great luxury by selling weapons which killed many people. She was so disgusted that she stripped herself naked and took off all her jewelry because it was all “tainted by blood”, bought with “blood money”. The trouble with this fine and good-person attitude is that you can’t begin to think that way if you EVER want to be wealthy in any shape or form. I guarantee you that there isn’t a note in circulation today on this beautiful Earth, nor even a single golden coin or brilliant diamond, that doesn’t have some human tragedy attached to it somewhere along the line. There are always evil doers, and these do buy bananas with their ill gotten gains, and so the money passes on to the fruit merchant – who pays for his electricity with it … Are you horrified to discover that you most likely also have a bank account full of “blood money”? If you are, please take heart and make a decision NOW as what you’re going to do. Strip naked and walk into the wilderness, or make an ACTIVE decision to consider ALL money to be purely only that – namely, money. You can use water to drown people in, but that doesn’t make it “blood water”. To make it that, you have to THINK OF IT in that way. If you don’t, it remains simply water – an essential elemental cocktail without which no fruit would grow upon this Earth. So now, take a deep breath and clearly in your mind’s eye, see the concept of “money”, however that might represent to you. Now take a high octane flame torch of energetic origin and burn away all residual traces of beliefs and fears about money, until the pure concept of hard cash is all that remains. Take a moment to make sure that there are no reversals, fears or worries left as you connect with what “money” is and what it means; and if it helps, you can make a pledge that YOUR money will be a tool for good in this world – and for the harm of none. That’s a highly important and powerful exercise very few people ever undertake, so – congratulations to you!
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