GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises

365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann
Energy News

327. Shadow Jumping

Shadow Jumping

Today's Money Energy Exercise is: Shadow Jumping.

Have you heard the expression, “I had to jump over my own shadow to get that done?”

In practice, it means that something that seemed impossible has been accomplished; you can’t jump over a sun-cast shadow, of course.

The fact is though that there are many such expressions which actually denote an existing energetic reality, something that is real and true only usually, invisible.

So first of all, that shadow you need to jump over to accomplish things beyond everything and anything you’d ever thought you could, where is that?

Point at it with your hands, describe it as though you were telling me.

Now were this shadow falls, and the direction in which it falls, creates a no-go zone in your energy system and those are limiting, sometimes even dangerous.

Today, we are going to eliminate this shadow.

Place both your hands on the center of your chest on your heart of energy. Close your eyes and increase the output of your heart of energy so it shines brighter, radiates more strongly.

Keep an eye on that shadow. The light will make it disappear.

In this case, however, the waves of light from your heart of energy are going to literally erase the shadow, once and for all.

Breathe deeply and powerfully.

Use your breath and your intention to set up these pulsating waves of light energy from your heart, until the shadow is all gone.

And if you wish, you can jump for joy!

Wonderfully well done!

MindMillion LogoThe MindMillion Energy Exercises created by Silvia Hartmann, exclusive to The Guild of Energists

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