GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann |
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323. Getting Out Of Money RutsToday's Money Energy Exercise is: Getting Out Of Money Ruts. Like all things, we can get ourselves quite easily into any kind of proverbial "rut". What that means is you're running on automatic pilot, you don't think about it anymore, and things just chug along from one day to the next, from one year to the next ... Ruts are boring and an insult to intelligent, proactive human beings. I personally make combating any form of rut my first priority. The trouble with ruts is that you need some effort to get out of them; they take their name from the two deep grooves dug into the road by heavy wagons. You can imagine that "to get out of a rut" was tricky. But also always well worth it, because outside of ruts, you get to pick a better, dryer and easier path that will lead to your goals much more quickly. So today, let's take a look at possible money ruts. Do you have investments tied up in accounts that are not profitable or competitive, just because you can't be bothered to make the effort and move them somewhere else? Are you stuck with an incompetent accountant as he's "ever so nice, really, and my family's used him for donkey's years ..."? Are your main suppliers really still the best and the cheapest around? When is the last time you checked? Could you get a much better deal on your mortgage, your credit cards, your loans if you just gave that little extra shove to get out of the rut you're in? Take one minute and look around for your personal "money ruts", see if you can find improvements that would help you and that would be well, well worth the extra effort. Heave ho!
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