GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann |
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320. The Reality Creating MachineToday's Money Energy Exercise is: The Reality Creating Machine. In a moment, sit right back in your chair, close your eyes and transport yourself to a different plane of existence. Go as far or as near as you need to go to find a place where you can meet all your higher aspects and where you can step up and stand in front of a portal which will translate your desires in such a way that these other powerful aspects of your self can understand what it is that you want, and your desire to have these things become manifest in your life. See this portal now before you, and know that it will take your pictures and your words, your feelings and intentions, and your human thoughts, and as you send these things that you want into the portal, they will transmute as they pass through it, and will be read correctly, translated correctly and received perfectly on the other side. Now take a deep breath, focus, and send your desires, goals, plans, your hopes and dreams as well into the portal. Watch your words and pictures enter it and disappear. Wait for a moment in case you will receive a message in return for this is a two way portal, as all the best portals tend to be. Use this portal – the reality creating machine – at any time you want to state a wish. Open your eyes – outstanding work today, indeed.
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