GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises

365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann
Energy News

304. The Spotted Cup Of Happiness

The Spotted Cup Of Happiness

Today's Money Energy Exercise is: The Spotted Cup Of Happiness.

One night at a party, we spontaneously invented a funny game whereby we assigned certain qualities randomly to random items.

We came up with "the sponge of sobriety", "the cork of enlightenment" and "the spotted cup of happiness", to name just a few.

Now that was just fun and had us in stitches for quite a while, but the principle is powerful. I'm sure you know about sportsmen who have "lucky shoes", politicians who have "lucky ties" and there are all kinds of versions of this act, which is embuing an innocent object with a definite meaning which becomes REALITY soon enough.

Just have a look around today and play this game for a moment.

It is more than fun, and if you want to take it seriously, you can have active "object affirmations" supporting you in innumerable ways.

You might have "the pen of prosperity". You might work on "the laptop of wisdom". You might even enter your profit and loss statements in a special "ledger of immeasurable wealth".

See what magical objects you can make in - 60 seconds!

MindMillion LogoThe MindMillion Energy Exercises created by Silvia Hartmann, exclusive to The Guild of Energists

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