GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann |
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298. Just Say Yes …Today's Money Energy Exercise is: Just Say Yes …. This is one of those truly annoying things that are completely true, and we know they are, but we just struggle with them anyway, and dig ourselves in like an outraged teenager would, against all rhyme, sense or reason. Still, it is the mark of a true adult to be able to take charge of themselves so let’s have a good old go at this, alright? Find some thing that you do on a regular basis, but you ALWAYS have to bitch about doing it – before, during and after as well. Got something? Good. Now, be an adult and say, “YES.” to whatever that is, and consider what it is like to do that same thing from the “yes” place instead of the “waaah it isn’t fair I hate it I don’t wanna do that!” place. Spot the difference? Are you willing to make a pledge and say “YES.” to that activity in future? Now that’s what I call progress!
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