GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann |
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273. Commitment – The Dreaded Ten Letter Word …Today's Money Energy Exercise is: Commitment – The Dreaded Ten Letter Word …. Ah the fear of commitment! It is not just blushing bridegrooms who get cold feet when it comes to making that decision which will change their lives from that moment forth – all of us have a certain resistance to commitment, because we ERRONEOUSLY think that “it is forever”. Diamonds might be forever, or at least until someone nukes them, but decisions are never forever, no matter how we might like to think they are. Half heartedness causes a pretty fiance to walk out and find someone who is more committed, and in the case of projects, marketing campaigns, direction and authority in your company and business it is nothing short of the tolling doom bells of guaranteed failure. So today, let’s be brave and look at something that needs you to commit yourself absolutely, where you need to say, “YES!” in resounding terms, with no “Yes, but …” or any other signs of weakness or half-heartedness added. Know that someone who has the power to make a commitment has likewise the power to change their mind if it should all go hideously wrong at a later date. That’s the truth and that’s a fact – for it is only those who are too afraid to commit themselves who are also too afraid to un-commit. It’s the same coin, either way. What do you need to commit yourself to, absolutely, to make it really work? And are you ready now to say, “YES!” and get this show on the road? Fortune favours the brave!
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