GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann |
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272. Giving A Current Project A BoostToday's Money Energy Exercise is: Giving A Current Project A Boost. What is the project uppermost in your mind today? Let’s give it a boost of intention and energy – no matter how mundane or simple it might seem. All projects deserve a bit of extra love! Here we go. Visualise the project clearly and strongly. If necessary, move where you are holding that visualisation so it comes into better focus and you can see/feel/control it much better. Let the project assemble itself so it is entirely completed, slowly and elegantly, see all the parts and components come together and until it is the completed entity, radiant, strong, perfectly aligned and perfectly delightful to you. FEEL the pride of accomplishment and a task well done resonate through your entire body. Love your project in every way, then bow you head, breathe deeply and – how do you feel now? Excellent!
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