GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann |
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243. I Left My Heart In San Francisco …Today's Money Energy Exercise is: I Left My Heart In San Francisco …. The title of this exercise isn’t a joke. Although we can’t physically leave our hearts anywhere, there is absolutely a human consciousness movement whereby we leave SOMETHING of ourselves in a time or place that isn’t here and now, because that was so wonderful back then and a part of us wants to be there, rather than here. It is the same process in relationships as it is in work and business – you often hear rich people talk sadly and with longing about those long gone days when they were still operating out of a garage and how good that was and how they miss the cameraderie and excitement of those days. What good is it to be rich when your heart still resides in a garage, way down the river of time? So, in a moment, I want you to find a time and a place where you’ve left your heart in a garage, metaphorically speaking, and I want you to go there, and retrieve your heart – bring it back to be with you here, right today, and forever, exactly wherever YOU happen to be. Do it now. You won’t believe how much better you’ll feel for that! The future starts right here …
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