GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises

365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann
Energy News

200. The Pure Maths Powerfield

The Pure Maths Powerfield

Today's Money Energy Exercise is: The Pure Maths Powerfield.

Many people think that all things mathematical are mysterious, difficult, only the egg heads or autistics; of course, this is just due to endless propaganda and terrible teaching methods for all of us have in essence the same brains and the same capabilities, at least enough for simple, childlike things such as quantum mechanics and pure maths!

Being comfortable and familiar with numbers is something that does come in handy in business and wealth creation, so today, we’re simply going to tune into the pure maths powerfield of the ages, make a connection, get ourselves comfortable with what that is and learn how welcome we are to enter there.

In a moment, close your eyes and move backwards a long way, and then up, high up, until the air is clear and you can see far and wide.

There are the realms of symbols, human made; and today, we are looking for the essential mathematics field.

Let yourself be drawn towards it and release all fears and old entrainments as you travel arrow straight to the center of that powerfield.

Slow down just a little as you touch the outsides and open yourself up to the experience completely, let the energy from this powerfield flow into you as it wants, in, through and out, and let yourself be changed by the contact with this field.

Enjoy your stay here. Swim and swoop, dive and play for a time and until the time has come to return to the here and now, retaining, and remembering.

Very, VERY well done!

MindMillion LogoThe MindMillion Energy Exercises created by Silvia Hartmann, exclusive to The Guild of Energists

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