GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann |
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186. Fascination & LearningToday's Money Energy Exercise is: Fascination & Learning. It is true that we often move in mysterious ways! Today, I want you sit back in a moment and think about something that you really want to learn to do, that fascinates you, that you might have wanted to learn about for a long time already but which always gets put onto the back burner because you can’t readily see just how it could possibly be useful right away – financial, or otherwise. The thing is that there are connections between events that sometimes go around a number of curves and corners before it becomes clear just what they are, or how they have helped us. To give an example, I had no idea that my love for abstract art would make me into a much better hypnotist when I started out on that track. I had NO IDEA! And folk around me thought that the art was just a distraction; that I would be better off staying strictly focussed on the things that obviously pertained to my major sources of income and there were parts of me who thought like that as well. But on this occasion, I followed my fascination, made the time and the rewards were amazing – AND they benefited my business in the end in a most profound way possible. So let’s lay aside for a moment all thoughts of “practical value” and get in touch with something that has long fascinated you, that you could say, your heart is yearning for you to learn, to do, or to experience. What is that, and what do YOU have to do to get started with it? Take a full minute and do that – now!
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