GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann |
Energy News
178. Beyond Your Wildest DreamsToday's Money Energy Exercise is: Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. Sometimes, just sometimes, it is a very good thing to make a change and dream a different dream altogether. We have our goals and our visions; and this is what guides us, and what we strive towards and what we WILL achieve if our hearts and minds are working both together and in harmony of co-operation. But we are people, and we have much depth; there are many aspects to us in every way and so it happens that we may end up with a minority that isn’t altogether satisfied with all those plans and goals, and seeks a different kind of satisfaction. Today, we’ll listen to these aspects and we’ll give them a free and honest hearing, so that they can tell us what it is that they desire – and you *never* know, there may be even a chance that with that, our goals and vision can adjust a little to bring more of that into our one-for-all reality :-) So then … … and laying all the “usual” goals aside just for a moment … … so tell us of what lies “beyond your wildest dreams”? What is it that a small part or a small voice inside would like to have experienced, would like to have done or received, before our time is up? Don’t worry about how that might be this or that, it’s quite enough that it be known, and told today. Let it come, and listen, now.
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