GoE MindMillion 60 Second Wealth Exercises365 Modern Energy Exercises For Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Money & Gold created by Silvia Hartmann |
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175. Pure GoldToday's Money Energy Exercise is: Pure Gold. King Midas, the poor old fella, turned everything he touched into gold. And starved to death. Gold is an energy form, and a fantastic one at that – and what the old story there was trying to tell the youngsters was that you shouldn’t confuse hard gold with that golden energy of abundance, wealth, richness beyond measure, joy and glory unbound by time and space. THAT is what we will call upon today, and it is indeed, PURE GOLD. In a moment, I want you to see your hands before you, and shift your vision and your point of view until you can see the energy streaming from your hands, always it is streaming from your fingertips, from your palms, those natural exit points of pure life force, renewed each time we take a single breath, all the while we are alive. And on this occasion, we take a deep, deep breath and with our hands of energy we reach and touch that which we wish to turn to gold today – a golden touch of love, and life, and intention. Simply let it stream from your hands and towards that which you wish to so imbue with pure gold, sparkling light of love and life, a magnificent blessing indeed and a wonderful feeling as you simply give … PURE GOLD. Absolutely wonderful! Silvia Hartmann
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